Running a food manufacturing business is fast-paced, with several processes running simultaneously. Your team will benefit considerably from a comprehensive system streamlining and coordinating all departments involved. For marketing and product promotion, you can implement enterprise resource management, or an ERP, to leverage vertical promotion for your products.
ERPs like GoldFinch feature a built-in promotion calendar to manage brand promotions. And since you’ll be using the vertical marketing strategy, you can focus your efforts on a specific qualified niche.
Here is more on vertical promotion management in food manufacturing and how an ERP helps.
What’s Vertical Promotion?
Vertical promotion is a strategy where companies focus on directly marketing their content and products to a specific population in the target audience. The objective is to attract the highest-fit buyers into your marketing/sales funnel. Unlike horizontal marketing, the niche audience target must be qualified and relate to your company’s products.
This promotion strategy is common in industries where demand comes from a specific market segment. It makes your marketing efforts more effective by focusing on that segment primarily. For example, a diet juice manufacturing company leveraging vertical promotion will advertise to individuals looking to lose weight.
Vertical vs. Horizontal Promotion
Vertical product promotion involves connecting businesses operating in a joint industry, while horizontal is similar companies working together to cut operational costs. Despite the rivalry, these businesses aim to increase profit by pooling costs like advertising, production, and distribution. Mostly, brands that go with vertical marketing focus on a specific market subset, while horizontal marketing helps reach a big, general audience.
Why Scheduling and Managing Product Promotions Is Important
To fully execute your marketing campaigns, you’ll need a comprehensive schedule to help with several processes. The marketing calendar maps out the marketing activities for the whole organization and helps alert all stakeholders of their role in the campaign. It also helps estimate the time the marketing effort will take and what expectations to have.
So, how will your company benefit from scheduling and managing product promotions:
Effortless Planning and Tracking of Marketing Initiatives
A scheduling and managing system for your marketing efforts allows you to plan and track upcoming promotion initiatives. The system works by assigning tasks and deadlines to specific marketing team members, ensuring your marketing plan flows smoothly.
It also makes it easy to get a comprehensive marketing plan overview and identify where deadlines overlap. Process overlaps can also occur when an employee is assigned several processes, and the time allocated for each is limited. The promotion calendar will expose these scheduling conflicts early, giving your team enough time to make the necessary adjustments.
Helps Track Promotion Results
It is easier to track your marketing team’s performance if you have an ERP handling your scheduling and marketing product promotions. The system will create a marketing calendar, indicating which individual is responsible for each activity. And since ERPs use a centralized data storage system, you can see the performance history of your entire marketing team.
A system that emphasizes accountability ensures your team performs accordingly and makes rewarding it easier. It’d be wise to assign someone to manage the calendar to help with updates, structure maintenance, and deadline adjustments.
Streamlined Communication
Communication is crucial during product marketing campaigns since it involves several activities and different individuals. Scheduling and managing these promotions will help streamline communication by providing critical information to the right people.
The main questions to answer are what, when, and how; What message will you share, when, and which marketing channel you use? It makes it easy for your marketing team to remain productive and keep on track. Also, it’d help to use old marketing plans as inspiration for future campaigns and assignments.
Budget Tracking
Another reason most food manufacturing companies should consider ERP for vertical marketing is the budget-tracking benefits. Having a budget for your marketing efforts helps estimate how much you’ll need to execute each campaign while eliminating unnecessary spending. It also makes it easy to track your spending and time spent.
Comprehensive Overview
A complete content marketing calendar should paint a full picture of your marketing activity for the next month. It also shows individual roles and how everyone’s efforts will contribute to achieving the campaign’s objective if they work together. On the marketing calendar, you’ll see all upcoming engagements and help plan on further promotions like paid advertising. It’d be best to indicate holidays and seasonality to help plan accordingly.
Marketing Calendars and How GoldFinch Helps
A marketing calendar is vital to your promotion scheduling and managing efforts. It is a written plan highlighting your marketing strategies, the activities involved, and who’s assigned to each. The calendar is not limited to upcoming campaigns; it can also include already-implemented campaigns or those tried but were unsuccessful.
Understanding the significance of strategic planning in your marketing efforts is crucial. Vertical promotion is an approach that works wonders for the food manufacturing industry. It allows the business to focus its campaigns on the best-fit audience, increasing each campaign’s efficiency.
GoldFinch is among the few ERPs that can help streamline your vertical marketing efforts. It has a built-in promotion calendar, making creating and managing operations easier. And since it is an ERP, it webs together all other departments from manufacturing to accounts.
The following is how your food manufacturing business can benefit from implementing GoldFinch to schedule and manage promotions:
- By using the built-in promotion calendar feature, you can create and manage promotions effortlessly
- Tracking campaign results also becomes easier as the system provides detailed reports on each promotion
- It is cloud-based and can integrate with other systems crucial to smooth operations like CRM and POS
- It also provides you with a single comprehensive view of all promotions since it uses a centralized system to store data
- It provides access to advanced automation features like report generation
Food manufacturers should understand the significance of having a powerful ERP to handle their internal processes. GoldFinch streamlines your vertical marketing management efforts by providing all the necessary resources. You’ll improve brand awareness, increase sales, and build customer loyalty by streamlining your marketing efforts with GoldFinch ERP.